more GSK, classic gametheory switch #645 Optimal Strategy of Playing the StockMarket via VonNeumann Game Theory
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2016-12-12 18:30:26 UTC
more GSK, classic gametheory switch #645 Optimal Strategy of Playing the StockMarket via VonNeumann Game Theory

Very much excited these days with the opportunity of going through classic stock market switches which was paltry dry for many years, of just sticking on with what I had.

Portfolio of PAF on 12DEC2016
 VZ     1,800
T      24,630

GSK         840


total share-wealth-units last reported which was 28NOV2016 was 27,210 
and total share-wealth-units today 27,270

real-estate land 3APR03 of 1 lot $16,500.
real-estate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.

Today, just moments ago I sold 670 ATT at 41.16 and with the proceeds bought 730 GSK at 37.91.

So in the campaign switch I picked up 60 free shares of GSK.

This is the classic switch which I sell one, buy the other, wait days, weeks, months, sell the other and buy  back the first.

So I use two moneys in a Switch Campaign-- plain old money $27,700., and the money of the shares-- 670 to 730.

This switch campaign started due to Brexit in England, but GSK never fell far then, and now is going back up.

2016-12-15 02:27:06 UTC
Just two days ago I ran another switch campaign, but in the excitement, forgot I had some bills to pay and so today, sold 200 of those GSK shares. When you have had cancer, your memory is not as fit as when you were younger.

Very much excited these days with the opportunity of going through classic stock market switches which was paltry dry for many years, of just sticking on with what I had.

Portfolio of PAF on 14DEC2016
 VZ     1,800
T      24,630

GSK         640


total share-wealth-units last reported which was 12DEC2016 was 27,210 
and total share-wealth-units today 27,070

real-estate land 3APR03 of 1 lot $16,500.
real-estate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.

I do not like the feeling of owing money to anyone, and have a large bill come due. So I decided to sell 200 GSK at 38.12 and then get back into switch campaign early next year.

2016-12-21 02:24:18 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Just two days ago I ran another switch campaign, but in the excitement, forgot I had some bills to pay and so today, sold 200 of those GSK shares. When you have had cancer, your memory is not as fit as when you were younger.
Turns out I did not need as much to pay the bills as first thought.
Post by p***@gmail.com
Very much excited these days with the opportunity of going through classic stock market switches which was paltry dry for many years, of just sticking on with what I had.
Portfolio of PAF on 14DEC2016
Portfolio of PAF on 20DEC2016
Post by p***@gmail.com
 VZ     1,800
T      24,630
GSK         640
+ 90
Post by p***@gmail.com

Post by p***@gmail.com
total share-wealth-units last reported which was 12DEC2016 was 27,210 
and total share-wealth-units today 27,070
Today, 20DEC2016, my total is 27,160

I do not like excess cash around, and I like to be fully invested.
Post by p***@gmail.com

real-estate land 3APR03 of 1 lot $16,500.
real-estate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.
I do not like the feeling of owing money to anyone, and have a large bill come due. So I decided to sell 200 GSK at 38.12 and then get back into switch campaign early next year.
So today, I bought 90 shares of GSK for 38.27 a share.

I think that with a new president, that perhaps Pfizer will take another look at GSK and try a buyout. And with Brexit, it may just well work.

