2015-05-07 20:02:23 UTC
Portfolio of PAF on 7MAY2015
VZ 2,000
T 23,300
MRK 100
GSK 100
total share-wealth-units last reported which was 4MAR2015 was 25,370 and total share-wealth-units today 25,500
real-estate land 3APR03 of 3 lots $19,000.
real-estate land 30JUL03 another lot $11,500.
real-estate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.
Alright, with excess cash today I bought 100 shares of Glaxo, GSK, the huge British pharma at 44.17 per share. And then bought another 30 shares of ATT, at 33.40 per share.
Some rumors that Pfizer was interested in buying GSK. But I do not buy on rumor, I buy on value. GSK represents much of the biology research of the British nation, and the British have been excellent in biology.
So I now hold two big pharma, MRK and GSK. I like the new era of drug research where they are finally going after "real health -- cancer, malaria, HIV, Ebola" instead of the past of "cosmetic drugs-- cholesterol, viagra". Hopefully they will get into human cloning in my lifetime. Recently, the British allowed for a intervention of the human dna, which the USA dismissed.
VZ 2,000
T 23,300
MRK 100
GSK 100
total share-wealth-units last reported which was 4MAR2015 was 25,370 and total share-wealth-units today 25,500
real-estate land 3APR03 of 3 lots $19,000.
real-estate land 30JUL03 another lot $11,500.
real-estate land Sept05 another lot $75,000.
Alright, with excess cash today I bought 100 shares of Glaxo, GSK, the huge British pharma at 44.17 per share. And then bought another 30 shares of ATT, at 33.40 per share.
Some rumors that Pfizer was interested in buying GSK. But I do not buy on rumor, I buy on value. GSK represents much of the biology research of the British nation, and the British have been excellent in biology.
So I now hold two big pharma, MRK and GSK. I like the new era of drug research where they are finally going after "real health -- cancer, malaria, HIV, Ebola" instead of the past of "cosmetic drugs-- cholesterol, viagra". Hopefully they will get into human cloning in my lifetime. Recently, the British allowed for a intervention of the human dna, which the USA dismissed.